Justin Beiber's sexuality.

A song for deaf people

glee and anything to do with it :L

national cocolate on your face day

a torch for blind people.

A food proof cutlery set

Pubic hair....it's warm enough down there.

The Regular Show.

Dehydrated water...

Goats, but also bee's. And people that keep them.

naw instead of no


powder water

a toilet bowl with one end of a portal just under the seat and another end in the ceiling


Family strip poker! Surprises for the whole family as b0ners and wet panties turn everywhere! Ever wondered if your mother likes your big manhood? Wonder no more! Ever wondered what can happen if your father suddenly ends up naked and you start thinking about that hot girl you met yesterday? Could there be a good reason to why your sisters looong hugs feel as she is rubbing against you? Discover now! Does your grandma still have the "natural wetness?" DISCOVER! LEARN! EXPERIENCE! AND REMEMBER! THE FIRST GUY TO PREC0M OR THE FIRST FEMALE WHO`S LEGS GET WET... LOSES! INVITE YOUR GRANDPARENTS TO A GAME THEY MIGHT FINALLY BEAT YOU AT! Because you always secretly wanted them to beat you hard right?! ;) GET CLOSER TO YOUR FAMILY TODAY! Moral DISCLAIMER: We at ToysAreus, take no responsibility for STD`s and unwanted pregnancies! GUARANTEED FUN!

a pedal-powered wheel chair



TV for blind people

Everyone who says "You" on this site. Also Beiber is pointless.

Straight mans guide on how to make love to other straight men.


lights that only work in sunlight

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!