Your face

The thumbs down button.

Ashtray on a motorcycle

One direction

A smoke alarm that goes off only when there is no fire, and stops when there is one. --though it might technically work, it would be so not worth it.

The Kardashian

A broken pencil

A raincoat material towel


Alcohol-free hand sanitizer

soundless music

An interactive clock with arms and legs and also a top hat as well that walked like a human and followed you around throughout your day of activities and screeched the time every .8 minutes

A country-border protection system that is so effective that not even a hang-glider can pass trough without getting shot, yet which allows three fucking jumbo jets filled with terrorists and victims to pass trough and start a war that... Nuff said.

Spearmint-flavored suppository

chairs in a hall ment for stand-up comedy.

Peppermint flavored eye drops.

uncomfortable chairs

Rebecca Black

This website

Fire-proof matches

Hard Water (Theres already ice)

Flip-flops, modern toys, smart cars, long lists, banner ads, LMFAO, Katy Perry, various other artists.

Create your own Human-Botfly

Life preserver ring filled with water.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!