Assless diapers

Feeling left out at school? Hom0sexuality becoming the new trend? Feeling left out BUY OUR INSTA-GAY PILL! Works for 24 hours gay! (not 24 hours straight we promise) So have fun suck a dick, show the Village People what a true assbanger is! Seduce your gay teacher for high grades! SUCK HIM! ITS JUST A PILL! Warning, changes may or may not be irreversible. Moral: So have fun suck a dick XD

A waterproof bathtub

naw instead of no

dehydrated water

A chair with no seat

A movie for the blind

Waterproof water

Inflatable anchor..

Vegan sugar.



A gas powered gas mask

a coffin lined with 100% cotton (It breathes better)

Very well-shagged olive oil

Chocolate skittles.

Caffeine-free water . From: weird japan's Diet water xD


Solar-powered torch

Nutella haters!

A lock on a 24/7 store

Automatic soap dispensers

An alarm clock that plays soothing music.

silent music documentaries (unless it's a music documentry about One Direction, then actually it would be a great invention)

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!